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Detecting and Defeating Diabetes

Detecting and Defeating Diabetes

Understanding Pet Diabetes During National Diabetes Awareness Month

Roughly 1 in 300 dogs and 1 in 230 cats in the country have diabetes. In honor of November being National Diabetes Awareness Month, here are some facts to keep in mind…

The Most Common Signs of Diabetes

  • Excessive Drinking & Urination: As your pet’s blood sugar level rises, their body produces an excessive amount of urine. To compensate they will instinctually drink more water.
  • Increased Appetite & Weight Loss: Because diabetics can’t use glucose for energy, your pet’s body alerts them to eat more. Even with eating more, since their body cannot effectively use nutrients, this can cause unintentional weight loss.
  • Lethargy: Because they’re not gaining energy from food, pets will often act sluggish and fatigued. In turn, they’ll lose interest in playing and just not seem like their usual, tail-wagging selves.

Risk Factors & Prevention 

  • Obesity: This is the most significant risk factor for diabetes, as it causes resistance to insulin. It is also the most preventable / treatable factor. Keeping your pet on a diet high in protein and fiber while low in fat and carbs will help manage their weight and slow down sugar absorption. 
  • Exercise: This not only helps with weight management, but it also alleviates stress, which is a major factor in diabetes among pets.
  • Wellness Checks: Early detection is the best protection. The sooner we start treating your pet, the better, so if you see any of the warning signs mentioned above, please schedule a visit with us. We can also prescribe nutritious food and recommend an effective exercise routine. 

If your furry friend is showing any red flags for diabetes, please call us at (317) 516-5921 to schedule an appointment.  

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