As a loving pet parent, keeping your furbaby entertained and exercised is one of your many responsibilities. Many inexperienced pet owners don’t realize that mental and physical stimulation are extremely important aspects of their pet’s care and well-being.
Failing to receive enough of either can lead to your animal becoming bored, and unfortunately, boredom is often cited as one of the primary causes of behavioral problems in pets. Some of the undesirable behaviors exhibited by bored pets include scratching or damaging furniture, excessive vocalization (barking or loud meowing), attention-seeking, failing to use the bathroom outside, and more.
This time of the year in Indiana, it can be difficult to spend long periods of time exercising your pet outside. If you are stuck inside due to inclement weather, illness, or any other reason, it can be hard to think of ways to keep your pet’s boredom at bay and prevent undesirable behaviours from occurring. To help you out, College Park Pet Wellness Clinic has put together this helpful guide on how to keep your pet busy indoors during the winter months.
Play indoor games with your pet
Playing games is good for both the mental and physical stimulation of your pet, plus they give you plenty of opportunity to strengthen the bond between you.
There are a variety of different games that you can play inside your home. These include:
Get your pet an interactive toy
Many of us have increasingly busy lives and outside pressures that mean that we may not be around at home with our pet as much as we would like to be. Thankfully, there are now more pet toys than ever before, which can provide the stimulation and fun that is needed in our absence.
Some of the most popular toys among cats and dogs include:
These are just some of the ways that you can keep your pet occupied indoors during the winter months. For further ideas or recommendations, ask fellow pet parents, or ask your vet at Pet Wellness Clinic during your next appointment.