Dogs are often affected by tick bites and tickborne diseases. Unfortunately, there aren’t vaccines for all diseases transmitted by ticks, and there is no way of keeping dogs from carrying ticks into your house. Therefore, the best way to prevent diseases transmitted by ticks is by using a tick preventative.
Lyme disease is one of the most frequently transmitted diseases by ticks, but only about 5-10% of dogs experience symptoms. Lyme disease can harm your dog’s health by causing exhaustion, due to joint inflammation, lack of appetite, and even depression. In more serious cases, lyme disease can damage your pet’s kidneys. The best way to prevent lyme disease in dogs is by preventing tick bites.
Lyme disease, scientifically known as Lyme borreliosis, is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to dogs, humans, and other animals by ticks. Lyme disease occurs when a tick carrying the spiral-shaped bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, transmits the bacteria to a dog or human through a bite. Once the bacteria inhabits the bloodstream, it can travel to different areas of the body, causing issues in specific organs and joints.
Ticks that harbor Lyme disease are more commonly found in areas with tall grasses, thick brush, marshes, and heavily wooded areas. Once a tick has attached to a dog for 24-48 hours, it significantly raises the chances of getting Lyme disease.
The best way to ensure your pet stays safe from Lyme disease is through tick-prevention. The following measures can help you protect your pet from ticks and Lyme disease:
While Lyme disease vaccines are available for dogs, they aren’t necessarily recommended for every dog. We will be able to assess your pet’s health and make recommendations based on your unique needs.
If it is decided your pet will benefit from Lyme disease vaccinations, it will need an initial vaccination along with a booster 2-4 weeks later, which should be followed up with an annual booster.
Signs of tick borne diseases usually will not appear for about a week to a month after your dog is bitten by a tick. With that said, you should pay close attention to your pet’s behavior for those days after you notice a tick bite.
The most common symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs are fever, lack of energy, and lameness from inflammation in the joints. Sometimes inflammation in the leg joints will last for segments of 3-4 days, then reoccur a month or so later, in the same leg or another leg. This is referred to as “shifting-leg lameness”. In some cases, symptoms from Lyme disease can lead to kidney failure, which can be lethal to your pet.
Visible symptoms of Lyme disease:
If your pet is experiencing any of the symptoms above, you should schedule an appointment with our veterinarian as soon as possible.
During your initial appointment, it will be important for you to give us a thorough history of your dog’s health, along with any symptoms or incidents of concern. This history will help us figure out which organs might be affected. From here, we will most likely run blood tests, a urinalysis, fecal exams, X-rays, and other diagnostic tests.
It also might be necessary to obtain fluid from the afflicted joints. In most cases of diagnosing Lyme disease, we will need to differentiate whether the joint pain is caused by arthritis, Lyme, degenerative joint diseases, or other inflammatory disorders. X-rays of the afflicted joints will help us examine for bone disorders.
Want to reduce your dog’s chances of getting Lyme disease through tick bites? Call our office today, and we will be happy to help you find a suitable tick prevention plan for your pet