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Don't Ignore Dental Health, Prevent Untreated Pet Diseases

Don't Ignore Dental Health, Prevent Untreated Pet Diseases

Take a Bite Out of National Pet Dental Health Month

Dental disease affects eight out of 10 pets and is the most untreated disease in our furry friends. That’s why it’s important to get your pet to the vet twice a year to check their teeth and then follow up with at-home care of those chompers.

Signs of Pet Dental Disease

Nearly two-thirds of pet owners don’t provide the dental care recommended by veterinarians. Not only does periodontal disease affect the mouth, but it compromises the kidneys, heart and liver. Signs of pet dental disease include bad breath; loose teeth; drooling or dropping food from the mouth; bleeding from the mouth; and loss of appetite or loss of weight.

Vet Teeth Cleanings

Just like people, pets need to visit the vet for teeth cleanings to remove tartar and plaque building on the teeth, under the gumline and in hard-to-reach places. A complete oral exam checks for lesions, fractured teeth, the mobility of the teeth and other oral abnormalities.

At-Home Teeth Care

In addition to dental cleanings at the vet, at-home teeth brushing helps prevent periodontal disease in pets. Daily brushing is ideal, but one to two times a week is still proven effective. Buy a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically for pets, and let your pet examine the toothbrush and toothpaste before you start using it. Use the brush to massage the gums and clean away plaque and tartar. Brush slowly, in small, gentle circles.

And make sure to reward your pet after the brushing with treats (teeth-friendly ones!) and lots of love and attention!


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