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Clinton, the Cat Superhero

Clinton, the Cat Superhero

Not all superheroes wear capes and masks. Some are four-legged furballs!

Most days, Clinton Spaulding (pictured above) is a mild-mannered house cat. But at the Airport Animal Emergi-Center (AAEC), he’s a fierce feline illness-fighter, as he’s donated whole blood several times to save fellow kitties.

A kitten was recently rushed to AAEC with a Packed Cell Volume (PCV) that was dangerously low at 7%. PCV refers to the percentage of blood volume that red blood cells occupy. A normal PCV percentage for a cat is 25-45%. Thanks to a blood transfusion of Clinton’s blood, the aforementioned kitty’s PCV level rose, and she was able to go back home to her family.

A low PCV level is a sign of anemia, which is often traced back to pesky, bloodsucking fleas. Therefore, Clinton recommends flea prevention for all pets to fight off flea anemia. He also says, “Meow!”

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