As Spring warms up into Summer and the humidity and heat start to really set in, it’s good to remember that, like every other member in your family, you need to take extra care with your pet. You can become dehydrated and dangerously hot, which can result in falling unconscious at best, vital organ damage, or at its very worst, death. The same is true for your pets!
We tend to think of animals as hardier than humans, but the truth is, dogs and cats begin to experience heatstroke (hyperthermia, medically speaking) at the same internal body temperature as humans do — 104° F. Severe heatstroke begins at 105° to 106° F internally, as well. It might be more difficult for you to gauge temperature with smaller pets such as hamsters, but there’s one rule of thumb to keep in mind. Always watch the heat index. Meteorologist uses the heat index value to discuss what the temperature is once humidity is applied; it’s this balance of heat and humidity that is dangerous to the health of your pet and you.
If the heat index is 90° F, you need to be sure to take precautions to protect your pets. They won’t be able to ask you to turn on the air conditioning or ask you for extra water, or even to tell you they’re starting to feel ill. Your pets depend on you to responsibly monitor the weather and give them what they need to stay healthy and comfortable.
Prevent heatstroke before there are any problems
Animals bodies work differently than human bodies. For instance, did you know that cats and dogs only sweat through the pads on their feet? Or that it’s their ears that allow rabbits to dissipate heat? What keeps you cool may not help your pets to stay cool too. If you’re ever unsure about how to care for your pet specifically, please feel free to ask us!
Here are some basic tips to help you help your pet avoid heatstroke:
Early stages of overheating can be treated at home, but you should check in with us to make sure your pet isn’t suffering any internal consequences. Hopefully, you can catch these symptoms quickly and prevent heatstroke from progressing. Once it’s moved to heatstroke, you’ll need to take some immediate actions and then bring your pet to us as quickly as possible. Symptoms of overheating include:
Even lizards and birds can experience heatstroke. Stiffness, discolored skin or tongue, rigidity, lethargy, and loss of appetite are a few signs these pets may be experiencing heat stroke. Be sure to talk to us about your pet specifically so you know what to watch out for.
Even if your pet seems better once you normalized their body temperature, they may in fact still be injured. Always bring your pets into us for assessment and treatment to prevent very serious internal problems. These may include:
Treatment – What you can do
You need to handle your pet carefully if you determine they have heat stroke. Making them too cold, or making them cold too quickly can cause problems. In the case of the former, it can increase the risk of shock, as well as hypothermia. The latter will cause the blood vessels to constrict, making blood flow difficult and preventing your pet from actually being able to cool down.
In the case of small pets, you want to wet their paws and ears with cool water. Wetting the fur will also help, imitating the process of sweating. It is especially important to cool small pets down slowly, otherwise, there’s an increased risk of life-threatening complications. Once you’ve brought their temperature down some, wrap them in a wet towel gently and loosely to keep cool for transport to us or an emergency vet station.
Caring for larger pets is similar. Bring your pet’s body temperature down to a safe level (about 103° F) by wetting their fur with cool water; you can also use cloths wet with cool water placed in key locations such as the back of the head and the armpits. Allow them to drink or lick ice if they are thirsty, but do not give them cold water or try to force them to drink. You can use a children’s re-hydration drink or add a little salt to their water to help restore minerals lost from overheating. Once they’re at a normal temperature, dry your pet thoroughly to prevent hypothermia. Bring them to us or an emergency vet immediately.
If you’ve found your pet unconscious and unable to wake them, bathe them in cool water. Be careful not to let water get into their nose or mouth, as this can result in aspirated pneumonia. Bring them to us or an emergency vet as quickly as possible, and if you can, put a cold pack against their belly during transport. Frozen water bottles or bags of frozen vegetables can double for an ice pack.
Treatment – What we can do and Aftercare
Once you’ve brought your pet to us, we offer an array of services to meet the specific needs of your pet. These include:
In most cases, pets can fully recover, complication free. however, your pet may temporarily or permanently require a special diet if there are complications. Always remember pets that have experienced heatstroke once have a greater risk of experiencing it again.
If your pet’s behavior has not returned to normal in a few days (or as otherwise discussed with your vet), bring your pet back for further assessment.